
Weight Loss Procedures

Non Endoscopic \ Endoscopic \ Surgical

Obesity: Overweight and Obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Modern lifestyle promotes Obesity in many ways.

  • An increased intake of energy-dense foods that are carbohydrate-rich and contain saturated fats
  • A decrease in physical activity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of work in many occupations
  • Ease of transportation
  • Lack of opportunity to exercise

Minority of cases is due to medical causes such as endocrine system malfunctions and a few have genetic cause for Obesity.


Non Endoscopic Weight Loss Procedures

Elipse® Balloon

Allurion’s flagship product—the Elipse Balloon— is a procedureless™ gastric balloon. The Elipse Balloon fills the stomach and assists you in feeling full and eating less. The Elipse Balloon is swallowed during a brief office visit and – months later – passes into the toilet.

The Elipse Balloon empowers overweight and obese individuals (and their healthcare providers) to reclaim their health with a safe and effective weight loss tool.

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  • Start Your Weight Loss Journey

    on the centre of the elipse software is a smooth balloon that is positioned in your belly. the balloon is swallowed during a 20-minute appointment, and neither placement nor elimination of the balloon requires surgical operation, endoscopy, or anaesthesia. with the help of your care group and the sense of fullness created by your balloon, you can change your ingesting behavior and reclaim manage of your health.

    The elipse balloon creates a constant feeling of fullness, allowing you to devour much less without the starvation that accompanies most diets.

Endoscopic Weight Loss Procedures

Intragastric Balloon

Intragastric balloon is an inflatable medical tool this is quickly positioned into the stomach for a most of 6 months to lessen weight. it's miles advertised to offer a weight reduction choice in decided on sufferers while food regimen and exercise have failed and surgical operation isn't desired or no longer encouraged. The process is carried out as day case underneath trendy anesthesia.

The key to success with Intragastric Balloon is the follow up that is part of the Intragastric balloon programme. This program is designed to change eating behaviour that works even after the balloon is removed in 6 months.

  • Balloon Insertion procedure
    Intragastric Balloon is a Silicone Balloon that is endoscopically inserted into the stomach through the Mouth.

    An Initial Endoscopy of the Esophagus, stomach and the first part of the Duodenum is carried out to ensure there is no abnormality. Afterwards, the Intragastric Balloon is placed in the stomach and filled with a blue solution (Methylene Blue.) If there is any leak, patient will notice a greenish blue colored urine approximately 60 mins after the leak. The Intragastric Balloon can be blown up to a volume between 400 to 700 cubic centimetres.

    This is decided during insertion depending on how overweight the patient is and the size of the stomach.

    The Intragastric Balloon can be used for 6 months and not recommendable to use it for longer as the stomach’s gastric juices can weaken the balloon and cause leakage.


What is POSE?

Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal, or POSE procedure, is an endoscopic incisions weight loss procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and helps to diminish hunger cravings. This is primarily designed for patients who want to lose between 25 and 60 or 70 pounds, rather than standard bariatric surgery patients who need to lose 100 pounds or more.

The procedure is performed entirely through the mouth and does not require any external cuts into the body. It is generally an outpatient procedure (about 1 hour), with most patients making a quick return to normal activities (only a few days to a week, depending on the individual.)

POSE procedure may be an ideal solution for people with excess weight who have not had success with diet and exercise and who do not qualify or do not want to undergo a more extensive type of bariatric surgery.

How does POSE works?

POSE is a type of weight loss procedure that restricts eating and reduces hunger by reducing the size and capacity of the stomach by folding and anchoring the stomach tissue.

The multiple folds of stomach tissue created by the POSE procedure effectively reduce the size and capacity of the stomach to limit food intake and diminish hunger cravings.

How is POSE procedure carried out?

The POSE procedure is performed using endoscopic “through the mouth” techniques on an outpatient basis under general anaesthesia and the procedure takes at least 30 to 45 minutes. Doctors use the Incisionless Operating Platform (IOP), a specialised set of endoscopic surgery tools and an endoscope (flexible tube with a small camera on the end) to visualise the stomach. The IOP and endoscope are passed through the mouth and into the stomach.

Once in the stomach, the IOP tools are used to grasp, fold, and fasten together sections of stomach tissue. The POSE procedure involves making multiple stomach folds and securing them with expandable suture anchors. The suturing technology was designed by USGI Medical researchers as a durable option for anchoring tissue in the stomach and GI tract.

What is the recovery after POSE procedure?

The majority of POSE patients are able to leave the hospital the same day that the procedure is carried out. Patients who have travelled from out of town for the procedure can generally fly home the next day.

Surgical Weight Loss / Obesity Surgery
(Sleeve Gastrectomy | Gastric Bypass)


The World’s Preferred Weight Loss Procedure
What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Sleeve Gastrectomy is a weight loss procedure which involves reducing the size of the stomach to about a volume of 120 to 150 ml. The surgery is carried out laparoscopically using small keyhole incisions. The stomach is stapled and cut at the same time using a stapling device and sutures are applied to reinforce the staple line to minimize the chances of a leak.

How does the Sleeve Gastrectomy work?

Weight loss following sleeve gastrectomy occurs due to several reasons:

  • A reduction in the volume of food that can be consumed at a time.
  • A significant reduction in the levels of Ghrelin, a hormone responsible for generating hunger. Many patients also report a significant change in their food preferences, especially an aversion to sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Inability of the residual stomach to expand, as the stretchable part of the stomach is removed and the part that is left behind is relatively less compliant. This makes the stomach able to accommodate a moderate intake of food, but does not allow one to overeat.
  • The passage of food through the stomach is accelerated leading to early satiety which in effect reduces the intake without affecting the sense of satisfaction from eating.
  • Health benefits beyond Weight Loss

    There are numerous other benefits from this operation that can improve the health of the person in remarkable ways. In some cases, resolution of co-morbidities is well-established following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.

    An analysis of several clinical studies, with a follow-up period of one to five years, has found that:

    • More than 80% of patients had improvement or remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    • 77% resolved their High Cholesterol
    • 50% did not require medication for Hypertension immediately following the surgery
    • There was resolution of Sleep Apnea in over 60% of patients with this condition

    How is Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy performed?

    The operation is performed by laparoscopic surgery (Keyhole surgery) using four to five small incisions of 5 mm to 10 mm on the abdomen.

    Mobilising The Stomach

    The stomach is stapled with a calibration tube inside to ensure a residual volume of 120 to 150 ml.

    Staple Line Augmentation

    The staple line is oversewn to reinforce the staple line and the attachments of the stomach as restored. The rest of the stomach (around 60-70% is removed through one of the keyholes. The removal of the upper part of the stomach fully is a key step in the procedure that results in the reduction of the hormone Ghrelin.

    This is decided during insertion depending on how overweight the patient is and the size of the stomach.

    The Intragastric Balloon can be used for 6 months and not recommendable to use it for longer as the stomach’s gastric juices can weaken the balloon and cause leakage.


What is Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass surgery makes the stomach smaller and allows food to bypass part of the small intestine. You will feel full more quickly than when your stomach was its original size. This reduces the amount of food intake and thus the total number of calories consumed. Bypassing part of the intestine also results in fewer calories being absorbed resulting in weight loss.

2 types of Gastric Bypass
  • Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

    In a Roux-en-Y procedure, a small stomach pouch is created which reduces the amount of food you can eat. The smaller stomach is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine, bypassing the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine.

  • Mini Gastric Bypass

    The Mini Gastric Bypass procedure, is a modification of gastric bypass and has just one anaplasmosis ( Joint) and is, therefore, simpler to perform. The effects of both procedures on weight loss and other co-morbidities are nearly the same.

  • In our practice, we tend to reserve the Gastric Bypass for patients whose BMI is greater than 50 and associated with major co-morbidities especially Long-standing Type II Diabetes Mellitus.

How is Gastric Bypass performed?

The patient will be admitted to the hospital at least 3 hours prior to surgery time and is expected to stay Overnight.

The surgeon will make a series of small incisions in your upper abdomen, through which he will pass fine laparoscopic instruments and a camera. The expected length of surgery is around 2 hours.

Recovery and Discharge from the Hospital

When the patient is able to drink at least 2 litres of warm water in a day, Pain is under control and patients’ clinical condition is stable, It’s time to go home. You are encouraged to be mobile to accelerate recovery process and most patients are back to work 7 days after Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass.

Some patients may experience nausea or vomiting but medication is given to rectify this promptly. Some discomfort and limited mobility are also to be expected but prescribed medication is available to control this. You can be assured of immediate care and attention at all times.

Post-op dietary plan following Gastric Bypass

A well structured dietary guideline is designed to be strictly followed after the Surgery. Patient must stick to a liquid-based diet for 2 weeks after surgery. A soft diet follows for a further 2 weeks and about 4 to 5 weeks after the surgery, patient graduates to a 600 to 800 per day solid diet.
